staff engagement – TolliverBellGroup Dental Marketing and Managment Tue, 08 Dec 2015 13:02:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 staff engagement – TolliverBellGroup 32 32 How the humble pickle can help boost your dental practice. Sat, 05 Dec 2015 07:00:28 +0000 What does this have to do with customer service and marketing you say?

What does this have to do with customer service and marketing you say?

If you haven’t already, go and read the last post about customer service brainstorming ideas. Though it’s not necessary to have read it prior to this post… the two ideas work in tandem. Secret Sauce!

Activity 2: Watch&Discuss

At your next staff meeting (again, you ARE having regular staff meetings… aren’t you?) watch the timeless sales (yes, SALES.. the 5 letter word) video “Give Them the Pickle”. First, if you haven’t seen this classically cheesy video, take the time to explore the website yourself or find an old dusty copy from your Salesman Brother In-law. After the staff watches it, ask them specifically how we can apply its lessons to the practice and to their daily activities. This is a continuation of the first exercise but hearing the exciting stories of Bob Farrel gives it wider scope and helps teams think even further out of the box. This is pretty good stuff right?


We’re interested in hearing your results. Drop us a line (, if link doesn’t work). You can also call to talk about improving your practice’s internal or external marketing efforts.

The 1 Fun Thing Your staff should do TODAY that WILL increase customer service, save money, and put butts back in the chair. Wed, 02 Dec 2015 12:15:03 +0000 Customer Service Word Cloud

Quality Customer service is cheaper than a radio adIn an earlier post we spoke on the importance of building report at the door and cultivating a purposeful New Patient experience. Today, I’ll give you the ONE exercise you need to do at your next staff meeting (You ARE having regular staff meetings, right?)  that will help your staff create new ways to improve your customer service. It’s important that they have a say in how they create better customer service. With creation comes ownership. And owners of a thing feel empowered and execute better than those who do not. So let them self-lead on this one. You are just the facilitator.


Activity 1: Brainstorm Small Gestures

Give everyone something to write with and on. Set a timer for 3, 5, then 8 minute intervals. Add some upbeat music for dramatic effect (video game music is designed to enhance focus- try this, one of my favs). In the first 3 minutes, have everyone write down “ways to improve customer service.” This one usually will allow folks to rehash their old ideas and gripes. It’s only three minutes and will let them get stuff off their chest. JUST ROLL WITH IT. Again, they need to to own this experience and feel listened to. When time is up, let each person go through her suggestions with you or your OM writing down the suggestions on a giant easel.


Next 5 minute session- tell them to specifically look around the office for inspiration then ask, “what are small gestures YOU can do to improve customer service.” Make sure they think of individual gestures. Turn the page on the the easel and write down the new items. Make a note of the difference in answers and tone. When they think of what they can do as supposed to the office (and others) in general, we tend to get a different response.


For the last eight minutes have the entire team gather the Top 10 ideas from those written on the giant easel. Then  figure out how they can implement the top three starting today. It must be today that you start. No exceptions to this. Of all the changes to this exercise, this one is a non-negotiable. Your staff will need to know and see that they have an effect. They need to be able to compliment each other when they see their other team member using a idea they created together. This is the secret sauce to to making this work.  
